Text Messages Released By Prosecution Proves That Jung In’s Parents Purposely Starved The 16-Month-Old  - KPOP NEWS

Text Messages Released By Prosecution Proves That Jung In’s Parents Purposely Starved The 16-Month-Old 

The case of baby Jung In continues to infuriate the nation as new details have emerged regarding her adoptive parents.

Baby Jung In | Chosun

Previously, Unanswered Questions aired an episode regarding the tragic case of baby Jung In and her shocking death. It was revealed that the 16-month-old baby suffered gruesome injuries due to the endless physical abuse she endured at the hands of her adoptive parents. While her daycare reported suspicions of Jung In’s child abuse on three separate occasions, the police only acted upon them after she had passed away from her injuries.

Photos of Jung In’s bruises | SBS

Ever since this story went public, the nation began to cry out in outrage for the young child whose life was tragically cut short. The public expressed their heartbreak and anger as details continued to surface about Jung In and her adoptive parents.


On April 14, text messages shared between Jung In’s adoptive mother, Jang and adoptive father, Ahn were released to the public by the Seoul District Court. The content of the released messages starts on February 23, 2020, which is just 20 days after Jung In was adopted.

| MBC News

Adoptive mother: Her coughs seem fake
Adoptive mother: Her nose is runny, but I’m just going to leave it
Adoptive mother: My head hurts so I’m going to take some medicine
Adoptive father: It’s better if we raise her without giving her medication
Adoptive father: Honey, you should take something and sleep

| MBC News

Adoptive mother: She doesn’t cry when the daycare workers carry her
Adoptive father: Such an annoying shit
Adoptive mother: She’s been fussy all day~ I only gave her one apple today
Adoptive mother: I didn’t use physical abuse today though
Adoptive father: She was like that since this morning. My anger is only getting worse

The following texts are from August 2020, which only further proves the neglect Jung In suffered.

| MBC News

Adoptive mother: She’s going to starve until I say we can feed her
Adoptive father: Isn’t she the worst? She’s ringing in my ears
Adoptive father: I don’t want to get annoyed and take her around so can you just leave her at home?
Adoptive father: I’ll go home
Adoptive mother: I’m going to leave her home so don’t come

| MBC News

Adoptive mother: I think she’s crazy. She won’t eat
Adoptive father: Just starve her all day
Adoptive mother: You can starve for 3 days without dying
Adoptive father: There’s a problem
Adoptive mother: I want to curse her and beat her, but I’ll resist

These following text messages were exchanged by the two adoptive parents on the day of Jung In’s death.

| MBC News

Adoptive father: Take her to the hospital. It’s a formality~
Adoptive mother: That’s probably a good idea even though it’s a hassle

| YouTube

The prosecution revealed that the day Jung In had passed away, the two adoptive parents seemed to be in good and casual spirits. It’s been reported that after finding out about her death, they took their biological daughter to the playground and went to go eat with their neighbors.

It was further revealed that after Jung In’s death, the adoptive parents sent texts to their acquaintances with messages, such as “please pray that there will be no problems in her autopsy” and “it seems that God needed another angel.”

Adoptive father (left), Jung In (dad’s lap), adoptive mother (right), biological daughter (mom’s lap) | EBS

The prosecution requested the court to sentence Jung In’s adoptive mother to death for murder and child abuse charges. For the adoptive father, they requested that he be sentenced to 7 years in prison for neglect and child abuse.

Adoptive mother, Jang (left), adoptive father, Ahn (right) | Yonhap News
Source: MBC News and JoongAng Ilbo

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