Album Rewind: Looking Back At The Line Distributions For All 12 Songs On EXO’s “The War”
EXO‘s fourth full-length studio album, The War, was released on July 18, 2017, with the re-released version, The War: The Power of Music, dropped on September 5 of the same year. The album is agreed upon by many fans to be one of EXO’s best, and even to this day, it still is a fantastic album to listen to!
Eight members of EXO participated in the recording of The War, so you might be curious to see how the lines were distributed among them. Here’s a look back at how the lines from all 12 songs on the re-released version were broken up between the members, as well as what the line distributions for the album as a whole look like!
1. “The Eve”
Most lines: D.O. (29.2%)
2nd: Chen (16.3%)
3rd: Baekhyun (14.4%)
4th: Suho (10.8%)
5th: Kai (10.3%)
6th: Xiumin (8%)
7th: Chanyeol (7.3%)
8th: Sehun (3.7%)
2. “Power”
Most lines: D.O. (18.8%)
2nd: Chen (15.8%)
3rd: Suho (15%)
4th: Baekhyun (14.5%)
5th: Xiumin (14.2%)
6th: Chanyeol (8.6%)
7th: Kai (7.7%)
8th: Sehun (5.3%)
3. “Sweet Lies”
Most lines: D.O. (26.5%)
2nd: Chen (17.6%)
3rd: Baekhyun (16.5%)
4th: Chanyeol (12.8%)
5th: Sehun (9.9%)
6th: Xiumin (6.2%)
7th: Suho (5.9%)
8th: Kai (4.6%)
4. “Ko Ko Bop”
Most lines: Chen (18.2%)
2nd: Baekhyun (15.5%)
3rd: Suho (15%)
4th: D.O. (14%)
5th: Chanyeol (12.6%)
6th: Xiumin (9.6%)
7th: Kai (8.9%)
8th: Sehun (6.2%)
5. “What U Do?”
Most lines: Chen (23.1%)
2nd: D.O. (22.8%)
3rd: Baekhyun (18.2%)
4th: Suho (12.5%)
5th: Xiumin (7.8%)
6th: Kai (6.7%)
7th: Chanyeol (6.5%)
8th: Sehun (2.4%)
6. “Forever”
Most lines: Chen (20.2%)
2nd: D.O. (15.6%)
3rd: Chanyeol (15.1%)
4th: Baekhyun (13.1%)
5th: Suho (10.7%)
6th: Xiumin (10.5%)
7th: Kai (9%)
8th: Sehun (5.8%)
7. “Boomerang”
Most lines: D.O. (23.5%)
2nd: Baekhyun (22.6%)
3rd: Chen (16.8%)
4th: Suho (11.2%)
5th: Chanyeol (9.1%)
6th: Xiumin (8%)
7th: Kai (6.1%)
8th: Sehun (2.6%)
8. “Diamond”
Most lines: D.O. (17.5%)
2nd: Chen (17.3%)
3rd: Baekhyun (17.1%)
4th: Chanyeol (12.3%)
5th: Kai (11.4%)
6th: Xiumin (10.3%)
7th: Suho (8.8%)
8th: Sehun (5.3%)
9. “Touch It”
Most lines: D.O. (18.2%)
2nd: Chen (17.7%)
3rd: Baekhyun (16.1%)
4th: Suho (14.1%)
5th: Chanyeol (10.3%)
6th: Xiumin (9.7%)
7th: Kai (9%)
8th: Sehun (4.9%)
10. “Chill”
Most lines: Chen (21.2%)
2nd: Chanyeol (15.8%)
3rd: D.O. (12.1%)
4th: Xiumin (11.4%)
5th: Baekhyun (11.1%)
6th: Kai (10.8%)
7th: Sehun (9.5%)
8th: Suho (8%)
11. “Walk on Memories”
Most lines: D.O. (25.1%)
2nd: Chen (23.5%)
3rd: Baekhyun (19.8%)
4th: Suho (12.6%)
5th: Xiumin (6.5%)
6th: Chanyeol (5.7%)
7th: Kai (4.5%)
8th: Sehun (2.4%)
12. “Going Crazy”
Most lines: D.O. (20.9%)
2nd: Chen (17.9%)
3rd: Baekhyun (16%)
4th: Suho (11.5%)
5th: Xiumin (10%)
6th: Chanyeol (9.5%)
7th: Kai (7.8%)
8th: Sehun (6.6%)
Most lines: D.O. (20.4%)
2nd: Chen (18.8%)
3rd: Baekhyun (16.2%)
4th: Suho (11.3%)
5th: Chanyeol (10.5%)
6th: Xiumin (9.4%)
7th: Kai (8.1%)
8th: Sehun (5.4%)
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