2PM’s Junho Offered To Join A Group Of Fans And Pay For Their Drinks But Got Rejected - KPOP NEWS

2PM’s Junho Offered To Join A Group Of Fans And Pay For Their Drinks But Got Rejected

It’s not every day that your idol literally offers to join you for dinner and pay for drinks. While most fans might jump at the opportunity, this particular fan chose to turn 2PM‘s Junho down. For a really good reason though — the law.

| @le2jh/Instagram

During a mention party, a fan uploaded a screenshot of a group chat amongst her stan friends. They were gathering to celebrate Junho’s discharge from the military. She uploaded it with the caption, “Fans’ gathering to celebrate Lee Junho’s discharge. Oppa, please pay for the drinks.

The chat amongst her friends read as follows.

  • “Wow are we drinking?”
  • “To celebrate Lee Junho’s discharge~ keke”
  • “F*ck. Ah Okay.”
  • “Of course. Junho is getting discharged. We have to drink.”
  • “Wow funny. Let’s call him over to pay for drinks.”

What was even funnier was that Junho replied to this tweet although she did not tag him. He was all ready to show up, until she reminded him of the covid regulations. Currently, South Korea prohibits gatherings of 5 or more, due to preventive measures.

  • “Should I (join)?”
  • “Sorry…we have 4 people so oppa can’t come..”
  • “Of course of course. Follow the covid prevention rules well!”
  • “Yes~ see you next time~”

The warm exchange surely touched Hottest who have missed Junho during his time in the army! What a missed opportunity though.

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