Top 9 Clumsiest Idols Who Just Can’t Stop F*cking Up - KPOP NEWS

Top 9 Clumsiest Idols Who Just Can’t Stop F*cking Up

1. Sana (TWICE)

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Sana might just be the clumsiest idol on the K-Pop scene right now. There seems to be no end to her blunders. When TWICE attended a baseball game, Sana completely missed her seat.

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While doing aegyo, Sana accidentally bumped her leg on a chair…

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…and she lost this game before it even started!

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Even the other TWICE members aren’t safe from Sana’s klutziness. She has hit Mina with an umbrella…

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…and collided with Tzuyu during a performance of “Precious Love”.

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After falling victim to Sana’s clumsiness so many times, who can blame TWICE for leaving her hanging?

2. RM (BTS)

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RM wasn’t given the nickname “God of Destruction” for nothing. He has proved time…

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…and time again…

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…that everything he touches…

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…falls to pieces…

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…including himself.

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Even Jungkook‘s shirt wasn’t safe from RM’s curse!

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RM’s members fear that one of these days RM’s clumsiness will be the end of them.

3. Hani (EXID)

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Hani has a gift; she can go from cool to clumsy in the blink of an eye.

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Concerts tend to turn into comedy shows whenever she is on the scene.

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While blowing kisses to her fans, Hani walked straight into a wall.

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Sometimes when she laughs, she takes the phrase “ROFL” too literally.

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Hani has even caused her own wardrobe malfunctions.

4. Mark (GOT7)

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Mark may look suave, but under that Prince Charming exterior is a klutzy king.  Mark has wiped out on stage…

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…a number of times while performing stunts.

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He ripped his pants during Weekly Idol…

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 …and cutely missed his timing during a performance.

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Sometimes, even walking can be too dangerous for Mark!

5. Naeun (Apink)

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Naeun is one of K-Pop’s reigning klutz queens, and it’s easy to see why.

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She frequently trips over her own feet…

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…and drops things that really shouldn’t be dropped.

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Stairs are definitely this girl’s worst enemy!

6. Mingyu (SEVENTEEN)

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If you look up the word “clumsy” in the dictionary, you just might see a picture of Mingyu.

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This graceless goof just can’t catch a break…

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…and neither can his members.

7. Chanyeol (EXO)

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Chanyeol‘s clumsy ways have given him a number of bruises…

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…and scares.

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He once tried to teach D.O. a mic trick but ended up teaching him how to bow instead.

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Even stage sets aren’t safe from Chanyeol’s clumsy streak!

8. Jimin (BTS)

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If RM is BTS’s “God of Destruction”, then Jimin must be their “Emperor of Accidents”.

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Jimin is constantly falling out of chairs…

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…and on stage.

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He also has a habit of losing his balance when he laughs.

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It’s happened so many times that his members aren’t even surprised anymore.

9. Onew (SHINee)

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Onew is great at multi-tasking. He can fumble a mic and fall at the same time!

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Speaking of falling, no one does it quite like he does.

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Once Onew goes down, he keeps going…

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…and going.

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