Instagram Shows No Mercy And Shuts Down Former Roo’Ra Member Go Young Wook’s New Account
On November 12, former Roo’Ra member and convicted sex offender Go Young Wook created an Instagram account @koyoungwookgo…
Go Young Wook in 2015. | NEWSIS… and shared his first-ever social media post since his release from prison in 2015. In the post, Go Young Wook claimed that he “cannot continue to live so disconnected from everything” — and so that he would like to “try communicating with the world again.”
Go Young Wook’s first Instagram post. | @koyoungwookgo/InstagramImmediately after the account was created, Go Young Wook received heavy criticism for “testing the water to see if he would be able to return to the entertainment industry“. Netizens began reporting the account…
Instagram’s “Report a Convicted Sex Offender on Instagram” page. | Instagram… which eventually became disabled, as per Instagram’s policy. The social media platform currently disables accounts that belong to convicted sex offenders.
Convicted sex offenders aren’t allowed to use Instagram. If you’ve seen an account that may belong to a convicted sex offender, please report it to us. Once we’re able to verify someone’s status as a sex offender, we’ll immediately disable their account.
The handle now shows as an unavailable page.
@koyoungwookgo on Instagram. | InstagramGo Young Wook has since turned to Twitter @goyoungwook to keep “communicating” with the world…
Go Young Wook’s Twitter. | @goyoungwook/TwitterLooks like my Instagram got deleted. I didn’t mean to block comments. I wanted to allow only my followers to be able to leave comments. And I was going to start following accounts. But I received a lot of DMs. The account got disabled shortly after. I couldn’t log in after that. Thank you for your interest while it lasted though!
— Go Young Wook
… though Korean netizens are pressing all services, like Twitter and even YouTube, to take preventative measures so “pedophiles like Go Young Wook can’t reach minors using the platforms.”
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