J-Hope’s New Message To His Friends For Life, BTS, Might Make You Cry  - KPOP NEWS

J-Hope’s New Message To His Friends For Life, BTS, Might Make You Cry 

J-Hope wants his members–his best friends–know how much he loves them, and how far they have come together.

On September 2, BTS held a press conference called “ONLINE GLOBAL MEDIA DAY” to discuss “Dynamite”, the Billboard “Hot 100” chart, future plans, the “No Hong Chul Parody Theory”, and more.

| @bts_bighit/Twitter.com

When asked to send a message to their selves from 2013, J-Hope spoke straight from the heart. He began by talking about the struggles BTS faced as rookies, how they fought tooth and nail to “stay alive ’til the end.” 

Seven years ago, it feels like a long time ago. There were a lot of new groups. And to stand out, the only thing we could do was really work hard like our life depended on it. We did our best and went as hard as we could as far as it was physically possible for us. Just like we said on the showcase, I think we really worked hard to get our name out, even if it was just one more time, people will hear our name one more time, say our name one more time. That was our goal to stay alive ’til the end.

— J-Hope

After pouring their blood, sweat, and tears into their dreams, those dreams came true in a way they could have never imagined. Their music, sincerity, and authenticity have all finally been recognized by the music industry, and beyond it.

And we have reached milestones and accomplishments far beyond what I imagined or expected. It is an honor, and we are always thankful. And I feel like we have reached our goals we have set to reach seven years ago. And it feels like the world has acknowledged our sincerity and our authenticity, and that makes me very happy and proud.

— J-Hope

J-Hope then sent a touching message to the J-Hope of 2013, before sending one to the BTS of 2020.

If I were to say something to myself seven years ago, I would like to say that, you know this J-Hope is someone who works really hard and I want to tell him that your efforts did not betray you, your efforts bore fruit.

— J-Hope

“And all the other members are really precious to me,” he said. “I think I’ve said it many times, but I think this is something that deserves to be said. I think the members are very precious to me and these are the people who have become a major reason for my life and my existence.”

| @bts_bighit/Twitter.com

“And I want to say thank you to the members for being with me for seven years,” he went on. “and to ask them to be with us, be together, be with me for the rest of my life. To take this opportunity to say, I love you, to all the members.”

For more, watch the full press conference here:

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