A Look At How (Un)Fair iKON’s Line Distribution Is Over Their 16 Main Singles - KPOP NEWS

A Look At How (Un)Fair iKON’s Line Distribution Is Over Their 16 Main Singles

Line distributions are a controversial topic among some fans, with some arguing that unequal distributions make sense due to members’ talents while others think that all members in a group deserve equal time. iKON is a group who has certainly had their fair share of songs with very unequal line distributions. But just how unequal are they? Check the graphs below to see the percentage of lines each member has in their 16 main singles, as well as each member’s total lines for all the songs combined.

1. “My Type”

2. “Rhythm Ta”

3. Airplane”

4. “Apology”

5. “What’s Wrong?”

6. “Dumb & Dumber”

7. “#WYD”

8. “Bling Bling”

9. “B-Day”

10. “Love Scenario”

11. “Rubber Band”

12. “Killing Me”

13. “Freedom”

14. “Goodbye Road”

15. “I’m OK”

16. “Dive”


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