TWICE Was Asked How They Overcome Pressure, And Jeongyeon’s Response Is Heartwarming - KPOP NEWS

TWICE Was Asked How They Overcome Pressure, And Jeongyeon’s Response Is Heartwarming

It’s comeback season for TWICE! The girls recently held a press conference for the premier of their documentary “Seize the Light”.

The best news of the night was when leader Jihyo confirmed that they will be making their comeback on June 1 at 6pm with the title track “MORE & MORE”.

During the question and answer portion, Jeongyeon’s response to a question touched the hearts of fans everywhere.

They were asked,

How do the members overcome the pressure of TWICE’s titles and the burden of their crown?

Jeongyeon replied that the members give each other strength.

I think these titles are gifts from our fans. We worry about the responsibility, but the members give each other strength and are each other’s driving force. We rely on each other.

– Jeongyeon

Check out more pictures from the press conference below! You’ll love their new look.










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