These 6 K-Pop Idols Won Hilarious Prizes That Nobody Saw Coming - KPOP NEWS

These 6 K-Pop Idols Won Hilarious Prizes That Nobody Saw Coming

Winner were losers, and losers were winners in the season finale of HWAITING! 

Sadly, Season 1 of 2020’s best new K-Pop game show just ended, but it went out with a bang. For 8 episodes, host Eric Nam dished out prizes and penalties to Jimin “Jamie” ParkBTOB‘s PenielLadies’ Code‘s Ashley,  f(x)‘s AmberKARD‘s BM, and DAY6‘s Jae for a variety of games.

In the final episode, these stars faced off in a tournament to determine the ultimate winner. After playing “Titanic” and bottle caps, each contestant’s total score for Season 1 was calculated. Peniel won first place, Amber came in second, and BM placed third, but—plot twist—there were no real winners!

All the prizes turned out to be joke gifts, chosen by the DIVE Studios staff. Jamie, in last place, “won” this bathroom sign…

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…and Ashley (5th place) received a magnifying glass. “You can play with it, you can burn leaves with it,” Eric Nam said, failing to hype up the prize. “You can look at books closely. You can…so many uses!”

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4th place winner Jae had his Korean skills not-so-subtly shaded by this alphabet chart…

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…and 3rd place winner BM was puzzled by a used pot lid. He also won a selfie with Eric Nam!

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“Yo, you’re evil, bro,” Jae said, but Eric Nam insisted that he wasn’t responsible for these prizes. “I did not consent to this!” he exclaimed.

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Speaking of Eric Nam, silver medalist Amber took home an Eric Nam poster and an Eric Nam album. “Eric Nam fans out there, I got you hooked up,” she said. “I’ll see you on eBay.” 

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First place winner Peniel took home the most coveted prizes of all: a microphone (that doesn’t work) and a three-hour date with Eric Nam!

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Here’s hoping that HWAITING‘s hilarious ending is only the beginning!

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