The Hilarious Reason Why Rapper Swings Wants More Hate Comments - KPOP NEWS

The Hilarious Reason Why Rapper Swings Wants More Hate Comments

Show Me The Money rapper Swings is taking a vocal stand against haters.

He posted a message on his Instagram account encouraging more people to leave hate comments—but for a special reason.

So I calculated how much I would earn if I were to sue all of my hate commenters and I easily got 10 billion won.

– Swings

Swings explained that he’s stopping himself from doing so at the moment so he can amass more compensation in the future.

There’s only one reason I haven’t started suing yet: it’s that I’m waiting until I hit 1 trillion won.

– Swings

He showed that he’s not afraid of being insulted online.

So leave all the comments you want. My hate commenters = my employees.

– Swings

In the end, Swings reminded people who post malicious comments that they “will regret it” eventually.


Source: Nate

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