Korean Woman Gives Birth In A Subway Station… And The Miraculous Story Has Everyone Ugly Crying - KPOP NEWS

Korean Woman Gives Birth In A Subway Station… And The Miraculous Story Has Everyone Ugly Crying

When the pregnant Korean woman “A” and her husband took the subway on March 28, 2020, they did not expect the Seoul city’s metropolitan Yongsan Station to become the most meaningful place in their lives.

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A, a young mother-to-be in her 20s, had more than two weeks left on the calendar until the due date — but the baby had a different plan! In fact, the baby was eager to see the world that A went into labor on the subway. When she felt the contractions, A asked her husband to help her off the subway.

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The couple soon found themselves by the central staircase in Yongsan Station. A hunched over, unable to move, as the labor pain grew. A’s husband, uncertain of what to do, stood panicking by A’s side.

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She had a hard time getting off the subway too. Like she couldn’t walk any more. When she got this far, I asked her how she felt and she said she could feel the baby crowning.

— A’s Husband

That’s when two college students on the platform came rushing to the rescue. They immediately made a call to 911, but when A didn’t look like she could hold off any longer — one of the students by the name of Jo Moon Sung, taking pre-med courses in school, helped A deliver the baby right there on the floor.

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Another young man by the name of Kim Nam Joon, training to be a police officer, also realized the emergency and darted up the stairs to notify the station’s customer center. He brought back more helping hands, plus some blankets to keep A and the baby warm.

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While A pushed and pushed, Kim Nam Joon and the metro employees stood in a barricade around her — blocking the view from other subway users. And thanks to everyone’s help, A birthed a beautiful child:

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I checked to see if the baby was breathing. Then I moved on to massaging the mother until the ambulance arrived.

— Jo Moon Sung

The ambulance rushed A and the baby to the nearest hospital, where they both got checked to make sure everything is indeed okay.

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A week later, A and her husband returned to Yongsan Station — with a healthy baby who came into the life on the platform.

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We’re so grateful to everyone who helped us out that day. Bless them all. I wish them the best of luck with everything they do in life. They deserve all the good things.

— A’s Husband

To this heartwarming news, Korean netizens are reacting with teary eyes.

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  • “Wow, this has restored my faith in humanity. The world is still full of beautiful people.”
  • “This is amazing! I really hope the best for A, her husband, and her baby. Bless the people who helped the family!!!”
  • “A subway baby!!! Haha. These are some model citizens. The baby is going to have a good life because the birth has been blessed by so many people!”
  • “I can’t get over the fact that everyone is looking out while they’re barricading and not at the mother. It gives me so much hope for the humanity.”
  • “The world has been one hell of a place these days… but this makes it seem like there is still hope. Like, I’m speechless. I hope the college girls and the police-to-be all get what they’re preparing for. They deserve all the best.”
  • “If this Kim Nam Joon man is not the most perfect policeman material, I don’t know who else could possibly be.”
Source: MBC News and THEQOO

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