Just 10+ Gorgeous Hairstyles That Chungha Has Wowed Us With - KPOP NEWS

Just 10+ Gorgeous Hairstyles That Chungha Has Wowed Us With

Chungha might not be someone that plays a lot with bright, colorful hair looks, but that doesn’t mean she hasn’t had a myriad of unique and gorgeous styles throughout the years. From platinum blonde to rich black, there doesn’t seem to be any natural color that she doesn’t look incredible with! She would probably look amazing in any color, natural or not, and maybe someday she’ll go that route, but for now, here are 10+ different styles she’s had since her I.O.I days.

1. This gorgeous golden honey-colored hair she had during the “Crush” era of I.O.I

2. This chestnut brown look she had for “Dream Girls”

3. The stunning midnight black style she had for “Whatta Man”

4. The adorable banged space buns look she had for “Very Very Very”

5. When she made her solo debut rocking summery waves in “Why Don’t You Know”

6. The sleek dark brown look she had for “Roller Coaster”

7. The subtle ombre style she had for “Love U”

8. The black banged look she slayed us with in “Gotta Go”

9. The many gorgeous platinum blonde styles she had for “Snapping”

10. And most recently, the ornamented dark-colored locks she has for “Stay Tonight”

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