Executive Producer Valerie Chow Starts “Be Cool 2 Asians” Movement, Seeks Those Willing To Share Experiences With Xenophobia - KPOP NEWS

Executive Producer Valerie Chow Starts “Be Cool 2 Asians” Movement, Seeks Those Willing To Share Experiences With Xenophobia

Earlier this month, media outlet Next Shark covered Valerie Chow‘s horrifying experienced of being attacked by a homeless man in Los Angeles while walking her dog.

Screenshot of Next Shark article | Source: becool2asians/Instagram

In the aftermath of the attack, Valerie immediately launched the #becool2asians movement to “combat anti-Asian COVID-19 hate“.

Now, the movement is seeking people of Asian descent who have experienced xenophobia and racism first hand and are willing to share their stories on video. If you’re interested in sharing your story, be sure to follow the instructions below:

Source: NextShark

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