Koreans Try Shotgunning A Beer…And It’s A Complete Disaster - KPOP NEWS

Koreans Try Shotgunning A Beer…And It’s A Complete Disaster

A YouTube channel by the name of “Solfa” thought it would be fun for Koreans to attempt shotgunning a beer.

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To put it simply, this when you attempt to drink a beer in one shot, where the liquids flow out all at once.

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The initial attempts end in a disaster, and it makes a mess everywhere.

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The cast couldn’t contain their laughter, after seeing how bad some of their attempts were.

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The cast eventually gets the hang of it and can start making “proper” attempts.

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However, there are still a bunch of disastrous attempts that end with beer just going everywhere.

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Some of them do it successfully and drink the beer in one shot.

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Others just want this whole thing to stop and can’t stop making a mess everywhere.

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Other members of the cast just give up and are in disbelief over the whole situation.

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Here is the full video below!

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