Kim Woo Bin Donates Entire Appearance Fee To Help Young Cancer Patients - KPOP NEWS

Kim Woo Bin Donates Entire Appearance Fee To Help Young Cancer Patients

Kim Woo Bin has donated his entire appearance fee for his MBC documentary narration to help children who have been suffering from cancer.

Kim Woo Bin’s agency, AM Entertainment, announced today that Kim Woo Bin decided to donate his entire appearance fee from his narration of MBC‘s documentary Humanimal to help support children whose immune systems are weakened due to fighting cancer. These children are also struggling to find personal protective equipment amidst the Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak.

The donation was made to the Korea Childhood Leukemia Foundation. The Secretary General of the foundation personally thanked Kim Woo Bin for his generous donation.

We are doing our best to take measures to protect the children who are vulnerable due to having childhood cancer, starting with the 995 kits containing anti-bacterial products that we received on March 4.

There are many difficulties in securing support for supplies, due to the increase in price of things such as masks following Coronavirus. We are grateful to Kim Woo Bin for helping us when we needed it.

— Seo Sun Won

The Korea Childhood Leukemia Foundation plans on using Kim Woo Bin’s donation to purchase personal protective equipment for their patients and provide emergency support for the families of the cancer patients.

Source: Sports Donga

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