How To Properly Handle Your Finances According To gugudan’s Sejeong - KPOP NEWS

How To Properly Handle Your Finances According To gugudan’s Sejeong

gugudan‘s Sejeong has had a prosperous career ever since her appearance in Mnet‘s Produce 101.

Given her many CFs, reality shows, and dramas, it is no surprise that she has amassed considerable wealth. The idol explained how she manages her finances in the March 13 episode of MBC‘s I Live Alone.

Sejeong explained that she meticulously fixes her income by dividing her money into specific causes.

I have nine bankbooks. I have a book for daily expenses, savings, money for parents, money for myself, tax payment, two savings bankbooks, one deposit bankbook, and a deposit account for my apartment.

– Sejeong


She even shared how much of her income goes into her deposits.

When I receive my income by the quarter, I keep a certain percentage and send the rest to the bankbooks. That’s how I figure out how much money I am spending. 

– Sejeong

Like many filial children, Sejeong also sets aside money for her parents. Her mother even manages her year-end accounts as she is a tax official.

Source: Nate

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