14 Times K-Pop Idols Spoke Out About Disliking Their Own Songs - KPOP NEWS

14 Times K-Pop Idols Spoke Out About Disliking Their Own Songs

Not all idols love every one of the songs that they come out with. Since oftentimes a group doesn’t make their own songs, but relies on other composers and songwriters for their content, sometimes they don’t have any control over what they end up performing – which can be not so fun for the artist! Here are 14 times that idols spoke out about disliking or just outright hating a song they had to perform.

1. GOT7’s “Stop Stop It”

GOT7 as a whole didn’t dislike this song so much as the visuals they had during this era! Whenever it’s brought up, they claim that people that became fans during that time must have really loved them a lot. BamBam and Jackson specifically have said how much they hated their hair during that period – with BamBam claiming he even got a nosebleed once from how angry he was. Yikes!

2. SHINee’s “Ring Ding Dong”

Key said he never liked to perform this song, because it didn’t suit his musical tastes and it always ended up getting stuck in his head!

3. SHINee’s “Hello”

Another song that Key didn’t like! He claims that “Hello” clashed with his personality, and therefore he hated to perform it.

4. Red Velvet’s “Rookie”

Irene is the member that doesn’t like this song, because she said she enjoys more mature songs from the group and “Rookie” is too childish for her taste. Yeri also spoke up about how difficult it was for her to keep her breath while dancing and singing for this song, and she wasn’t happy with how she performed it.

5. TEEN TOP’s “No More Perfume On You”

All the members of TEEN TOP disliked this song, and for good reason – the lyrics speak of infidelity, which is a terrible message for anyone to promote. In the song, the singer tells his older girlfriend not to wear perfume anymore, because his younger girlfriend might smell it on him and find out.

6. miss A’s “Bad Girl, Good Girl”

The reasoning isn’t clear, but rumors have it that the members hated this song so much that they said they’d rather die than keep promoting it.

7. Wonder Girls’ “Tell Me”

Sunmi spoke up once about disliking this song – both because she didn’t like the choreography, and she hated her retro-style hair during promotions! Apparently the rest of the members hated this song too, and begged JYP Entertainment not to make them present it again.

8. miss A’s “I Don’t Need a Man”

Suzy once revealed she didn’t like this song because she claimed they already struggled to gain male fans, and a song titled like this would likely make that even more difficult!

9. TWICE’s “I’m Gonna Be a Star”

Nayeon hates this song, for a small but understandable reason – she only has one line that she repeats over and over, which is, in fact, “I’m gonna be a star”. And there’s nearly a whole minute of the song with this line!

10. iKON’s “Bling Bling”

Member Ju-ne said that when this song came out, he was in a phase that he only liked rock music and disliked hip hop – which was what this song was. He said he much prefers “Love Scenario”.

11. Super Junior’s “Spy”

Apparently Heechul is the only member of Super Junior that likes this song – the rest of the members immediately want it turned off whenever it starts to play!

12. Girls’ Generation’s “Gee”

Taeyeon has spoken up about how much this song doesn’t fit her taste or personality, but she still treasures it because of how important it was to the group’s legacy.

13. U-KISS’s “Don’t Flirt”

Kevin has been very vocal about how uncomfortable he was with the mature and sexual themes of this song and music video, but as he didn’t have creative control over what they did, had to take part it in anyway. But he profusely apologized to fans that were offended.

14. BTS’s “Blood, Sweat & Tears”

Suga didn’t think this song would do well, thanks to the “dirty” title – but, of course, the song ended up being highly successful, much to his surprise!

Source: Video

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