YG Entertainment Files Application To Trademark BLACKPINK Lisa’s Name
It is being reported that YG Entertainment has filed an application to register a trademark on BLACKPINK Lisa‘s name.
The trademark isn’t for her stage name, but rather her legal name—Lalisa Manobal. The filing was for both her surname (MANOBAL) and her complete legal name (MANOBAL LALISA). The filing shows that they are attempting to trademark her name for merchandising purposes, including the creation of underwear, mufflers (neck scarves), and other ready-made clothing.
While Lisa’s surname is commonly known to be spelled as “Manoban”, the correct spelling is with “Manobal”, with “Manoban” being the phonetic spelling of her name.
YG Entertainment has just registered “Lalisa Manobal” and “Manobal” as trademarks, named after BLACKPINK’s Lisa.
Remarkably, the agency used the idol’s legal name instead of her stage name. pic.twitter.com/xuERI4ThKe
— The Pop Hub (@ThePopHub) February 9, 2020
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