Korean Netizen Leaks Photos Of EXO Chen’s Newlywed Home - KPOP NEWS

Korean Netizen Leaks Photos Of EXO Chen’s Newlywed Home

After EXO‘s Chen announced his engagement to his non-celebrity girlfriend, various online communities started leaking photos of the idol’s newlywed bedroom and living room.

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The netizen who posted the photos claimed that they came from his girlfriend’s Instagram from posts dated back in August 2018. The apartment is allegedly located in Gwangjin-gu, Seoul.

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The netizen claimed that the brands of furniture are all high-end. In particular, they named luxury Australian furniture brand Witman.

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Korean netizens have not reacted kindly to the news, saying that Chen is taking advantage of the fan’s love for profit only to spend it on his girlfriend. EXO-L’s, however, have defended Chen, saying that it’s only natural for people to fall in love and that just because Chen is a celebrity doesn’t make him any different.

Source: Head Topics

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