Korean Netizen Gets Real And Shares Why She Once Stopped Being A Fan Because Of A Dating “Scandal” - KPOP NEWS

Korean Netizen Gets Real And Shares Why She Once Stopped Being A Fan Because Of A Dating “Scandal”

After all the news about EXO‘s Chen‘s marriage was released, fans have been reacting differently to the news. The fandom is torn between those who are showing him nothing but their love and support, while there are also those who felt betrayed. While there are fans who have been expressing their support for him, there are also those who have been asking him to leave the group since the time the news broke out. Multiple fansites have also closed down since the announcement of the news.


Amidst all of the different reactions the news received, a Korean netizen shared why she previously left a fandom after a dating “scandal” broke out.


The fan didn’t mention the group she was a fan of, but started out by saying that they wouldn’t mind if the person their bias was dating was as cool and as mature as their bias.

The netizen admitted that she doesn’t imagine herself dating her bias, but even so, she looked at her idols as her “crush,” and explained that it hurts to see your crush dating someone else.


She also admits that although idols are extremely thankful to their fans because they spend so much money on them and love and support them deeply, she understands why idols would hide things from fans like their relationships.

She mentions that involving themselves in romantic relationships will lessen their value as idols, but they can’t do that because they need to receive as much as they can from fans because they are the ones who make the idols keep going.

Many fans in the comments section agreed that although fans already expect that they won’t have a chance to date their idols, an actual dating news that will break out involving their favorite idol will be a painful event that will further give fans a check into reality.

Source: Nate Pann

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