IU Opens Up About The One Artist Who She Never Seems To Be Able To Beat In Music Charts - KPOP NEWS

IU Opens Up About The One Artist Who She Never Seems To Be Able To Beat In Music Charts

IU had recently appeared on a radio show where the host revealed that her newest music was only able to gain 2nd place on the music charts.

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IU sighed as she replied, “There’s someone I just can’t seem to beat….”

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The host then revealed that IU’s newest release “Blueming” couldn’t take home the trophy for best digital single in November because of… IU’s “Love Poem”!

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IU opened up about how she was disappointed that “Blueming” lost, but revealed she’s also a fan of the song that “beat” her.

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I am.. a little.. disappointed, but “Love Poem” seems to be a good song.. I also enjoy listening to it. I don’t feel that great but I have to admit that it’s a good song.

— IU

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Since IU seems to be doing really well these days.. I guess I’ll just have to work harder!

— IU

IU released her song “Love poem” before “Blueming” back in November. And she ended up competing against herself for 1st place not just on music charts but also music shows!

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And this isn’t the first time IU lost out to IU! IU’s been competing against and constantly losing (and also winning) because of her other songs!

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IU vowed to work harder in 2020 so that she can beat her one rival – herself!

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Source: Nate Pann

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