JYP Releases Official Statement Responding To The Progress Of Stalking Issues - KPOP NEWS

JYP Releases Official Statement Responding To The Progress Of Stalking Issues

JYP Entertainment released an official statement on Twitter in regards to the stalking issue encountered by their artists.

They state that they have completed the request for personal protection from the police department around the company and the Cheongdam area. They also plan to implement security measures for the artists’ entire schedules. “We are here to inform fans that we have taken the appropriate action by requesting protective custody from the local police.”

They also plan to take the highest level of action needed towards malicious rumors.

They will make sure to take all possible measures necessary to protect their artists. “In order to protect our artists’ personal rights, we will take all actions required in order for them to safely complete all promotions.”

They thank fans for their continuous support in this matter and promise to continue to work hard to help artists’ have a healthy and safe schedule.

Read the full statement below:

Hello, this is JYP Entertainment. We are posting this statement to inform everyone that we have requested protective custody from the local police around the vicinity of our agency and the Cheongdam area. We will also be taking protective measures with bodyguards for all scheduled activities.

We are currently taking a look at all possible legal measures and plan on taking the highest level action after the review is complete. We have also started the legal process against those spreading malicious rumors. We will be filing civil complaints after the final decisions have been made.

We will continue to take the highest form of legal action necessary without any negotiation in order to have our artists perform their activities in a stable and safe manner. Thank you again to the fans for supporting us and we will try our hardest to make sure our artists can continue their promotions in a healthy environment.

Source: jype

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