If You’re Stopped By A Streamer In Korea, Keep Walking—Here’s Why - KPOP NEWS

If You’re Stopped By A Streamer In Korea, Keep Walking—Here’s Why

Lifestyle vlogger Rachel Kim shared that she was recently in Gangnam with her sister, and as they were walking past a convenience store someone stopped them. She quickly ascertained that he was a streamer and not long after she made her deduction, he admitted he was broadcasting.

You know, his phone on a tripod and a microphone and some mini lighting set and some food with soju.

— Rachel

She immediately knew what he was up to because she kept herself apprised on the news on what streamers have been doing lately in Korea: evaluating women’s appearance.

Your browser does not support video.Source: Rachel Kim/YouTube

 Streamers evaluating women’s appearance who are walking down the street with their viewers. It’s been an issue. Of course, most of the time, those women don’t know what’s going on.

— Rachel

The streamers act innocent and ask innocuous questions such as “How old are you?” Once the woman leaves, the streamer and their viewers will rate the woman’s appearance.

So, this is why you should keep walking if a streamer stops you on the street in Korea.

Rachel has a lot of feelings on the topic. If you’re interested in learning more, check out her video below:

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