EXO’s Sehun’s Advice For A Fan Chasing Her Dreams - KPOP NEWS

EXO’s Sehun’s Advice For A Fan Chasing Her Dreams

During a recent fansign as part of EXO’s promotions for their recent comeback with “Obsession,” an EXO-L opened up to Sehun about pursuing her dreams.

Like many other fans, this fan shared that EXO inspired her to follow her heart and her dreams.


She then asked Sehun for kind words he can give to her when she’s feeling discouraged to push through and continue.

What Sehun told her really touched her heart and is an advice that many can rely on for when they feel disheartened too.


Sehun reminded her to never give up and to not pressure herself to be in a hurry, but that she should take her time instead.

Don’t give up on your dream, keep chasing it! You have a lot of time, so there’s no need to rush. Fighting!”


Whatever you’re going through, be sure that Sehun is cheering for you!

Sehun - Sinchon Fansign_ _Fighting_ - Hun said

Source: Twitter

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