This Is Produce 101 Japan’s Current TOP 11 Trainees - KPOP NEWS

This Is Produce 101 Japan’s Current TOP 11 Trainees

As many Produce fans know, Produce 101 Japan just recently aired. Though similar to the Korean version of the show, the trainees are represented by the country’s 47 prefectures instead of companies. Here are the current top 11 trainees.

11. Osawa Shunya – Tokyo


10. Kim Heecheon – Seoul, South Korea


Fun fact: He is a member of K-Pop and J-Pop group HALO.

9. Jung Younghoon – Seoul, South Korea


Fun fact: He is also a member of K-Pop and J-Pop group HALO.

8. Lee Minhyuk – Ibaraki


7. Tsurubo Shion – Hyogo

Tsurubo Shion

6. Uehara Jun – Osaka

uehara jun

Fun fact: He also participated in Produce X 101.

5. Imashini Masahiko

Imashini Masahiko

4. Ando Tomoaki – Fukuoka

Ando Tomoaki

3. Mamehara Issei – Okayama

Mamehara Issei

2. Kawanishi Takumi – Hyogo


1. Kawashiri Ren – Fukuoka

Kawashiri Ren

Source: Pann

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