Moon Geun Young Loses Japanese Fans After Wearing a Sweater That Claims Dokdo as Korean Land - KPOP NEWS

Moon Geun Young Loses Japanese Fans After Wearing a Sweater That Claims Dokdo as Korean Land

Moon Geun Young recently shared photos of herself wearing a hoodie that reads, “Do you know Dokdo?” with a bright smile on her face.

Along with the photos, Moon Geun Young shared the caption, “Do you know? I’m all for the Dokdo campaign! Dokdo is our land!


In response to Moon Geun Young’s support for the Dokdo campaign claiming Dokdo as Korean land, Japanese fans started bombarding her Instagram account with comments of disapproval and disappointment.


Some of the comments include, “I’ve been a fan of yours for a really long time, but that ends today“, “I really liked you, but I’m hurt now“, and “You have no idea“.


But Korean fans are coming to Moon Geun Young’s defense with comments such as “Thank you for always being aware of these things“, “What’s wrong with calling our land our land?“, and “Japanese people should just shut their mouths“.

Dokdo is an island situated between Japan and Korea, and the two countries have been disputing over the ownership of the land for over 300 years.

Source: Insight

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