Haha Is Under Fire For Leaving This “Rude” Comment On Jeon So Min’s Instagram - KPOP NEWS

Haha Is Under Fire For Leaving This “Rude” Comment On Jeon So Min’s Instagram

Haha and Jeon So Min have developed a solid friendship over the years they have been on Running Man together. So when Jeon So Min shared pictures of her recent outdoorsy time with her brother, Haha naturally left her a comment.

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However, some fans have found Haha’s comment to be unnecessary and disrespectful. He poked fun at Jeon So Min’s bare-facedness and pointed out that she should consider wearing make-up.

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Triggered netizens argued that Haha’s comment on Jeon So Min’s appearance is rude. They pointed out that, while the Korean society is trying to mature into one that is more accepting of everyone’s beauty as is, comments like Haha’s are detrimental to their efforts.

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  • “Why don’t you go put some on your face. Read the air, Haha.”
  • “And you should go put on a mask because you’re ugly.”
  • “He must be out of his mind. What a mouth on a tiny man.”
  • “What the… Go put some on your face. Shave that beard while you’re at it.”
  • “She looks natural and gorgeous. What is your problem?”

Fans believe, while these two have always been beloved for their interactions often in the form of bickering, Haha crossed the line by belittling Jeon So Min’s natural beauty. Upset netizens have taken the liberty to attack Haha on his Instagram account as well. Under a picture of himself he posted, they have left the same appearance-related comments.

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  • “Put some make-up on before you take pictures.”
  • “Shave and wear some make up. Take care of your visual man…”
  • “You should be wearing make-up.”

Neither Haha nor Jeon So Min has spoken about the slight controversy on their Instagram accounts. Netizens continue to remain disappointed in Haha’s comment still visible in the comments section.

Source: Nate Pann

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