EXO Baekhyun Responded To A Fan’s Request In The Best Way - KPOP NEWS

EXO Baekhyun Responded To A Fan’s Request In The Best Way

When an international EXO-L made the savvy decision to use Google Translate to write out a Tweet to EXO‘s Baekhyun, they probably didn’t imagine the situation unfolding the way it did.

Using Google’s translation technology, the fan wrote: “I’m using Google Translate right now to converse with you so please use English. I’m suffering. I can’t understand anything. I’m so sad.”

Upon seeing the message, Baekhyun acknowledged the fan’s request by responding, “i [sic] love you.”


We have to applaud Baekhyun for being so kind and showing consideration for his international fans; however, at the same time, we have to acknowledge the fan’s ingenuity in doing their best to communicate with their idol!

Source: Pann Nate

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