UP10TION’s Lee Jinhyuk’s Fan Meeting Banner Gets Cut Up - KPOP NEWS

UP10TION’s Lee Jinhyuk’s Fan Meeting Banner Gets Cut Up

Around Seoul, banners promoting Lee Jinhyuk‘s fansign decorate the streetlights. One banner, however, was spotted cut up – the part that shows the idol’s face was taken away!

This is how the banner looks typically:

lee jinhyuk banner1

And this is how it looked after a random civilian cut it up:

lee jinhyuk banner2

People don’t think it was done out of hate. In fact, people think that it’s just a creepy fan who wanted her own Lee Jinhyuk banner and saw this is a free way to get one. Though some were amused, many are saying that CCTVs should be installed to find people who do this. Many also wonder how they were able to cut the banner up after being hung so high.

lee jinhyuk

Source: Pann

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