Korean Researchers Believe That Eating Kimchi Could Potentially Reverse Baldness - KPOP NEWS

Korean Researchers Believe That Eating Kimchi Could Potentially Reverse Baldness

Kimchi, made from fermented cabbage, has been a dish that has been eaten in Korea for centuries.


As a staple in Korean cuisine, it is traditionally served as a side dish.


In modern times, kimchi has been linked to multiple health benefits as a probiotic.

Fermented foods like kimchi are a great source of beneficial bacteria that are crucial for gut health and nutrient absorption.


Kimchi has also been found in various studies to reduce anxiety, lower cholesterol and even slow ageing.

And it looks like kimchi might be good for another thing.


According to the American Hair Loss Association, two thirds of men will see signs of hair loss by the age of 35. By the time they reach 50, this proportion increases to 85%.

There has been a massive investigation for potential substances that could mitigate this trend of baldness in men.

Prince William Baldness

A study conducted by researchers at Dankook University in South Korea found that consuming kimchi can promote hair growth and reverse baldness.


The study involved 23 men who were in early stages of hair loss. The participants were asked to consume a kimchi drink twice a day.

The results were promising. It was found that after one month, the average number of hairs per square centimetre increased from 85 to 90.

The average number of hairs further increased after four months of drinking the kimchi juice.


Hence the researchers concluded that kimchi would be an ideal food source for thickening hair and even reversing the balding process, as seen in its effects on the participants already experiencing hair loss.

With many anti-baldness drugs have unpleasant side effects, the researchers encouraged older men to consume kimchi as a safer alternative.

Baldness Treatment

Of course, kimchi is not the ultimate key to curing baldness. In a country where kimchi has been eaten for centuries, baldness is still a phenomenon in South Korea.

But for men concerned about hair loss, it looks like eating kimchi will be better than nothing.

Source: The Sun

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