Fashion Designer Accuses SM Entertainment Of Stealing Her Outfit Concepts For Red Velvet’s Comeback - KPOP NEWS

Fashion Designer Accuses SM Entertainment Of Stealing Her Outfit Concepts For Red Velvet’s Comeback

New York based fashion designer Paris 99 has accused SM Entertainment of stealing her outfit concepts and designs and using them for Red Velvet‘s comeback without her permission.

On her Instagram, she left a post calling out SM Entertainment for using her works without asking for a collaboration.

Greatly appreciate so many of you bringing to my attention k-pop group @redvelvet.smtown wearing garments that take heavy “inspiration” from my work. No one on the team @smtown ever reached out to collaborate on designs, which I would have loved to participate in. The company also took from our imagery which we created with artist @ondine.vinao. It deeply hurts to see large groups, that could have helped out a small designer, instead take from our hard work and brand it as their own. Check out our story for me examples

— Paris 99

She also posted examples on her Instagram story, comparing her own clothes designs with the ones SM Entertainment used for Red Velvet’s comeback.


While the clothes are not exactly the same, there does seem to be a few similarities in the styling, pattern, and in some cases, colors.


The designer later posted that she hopes to hear from SM Entertainment about what she believes is theft of her designs, and thanks the fans who have reached out to her.


Whether or not the designs were stolen, purchased, or used as an inspiration, fans or both sides will have to wait for SM Entertainment’s response on the matter.

Source: Ilgan Sports

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