Big Hit Entertainment Under Fire With K-ARMYs After Police Hurt And Harassed Fans During BTS’s Muster - KPOP NEWS

Big Hit Entertainment Under Fire With K-ARMYs After Police Hurt And Harassed Fans During BTS’s Muster

BTS recently held their muster, “Magic Shop” in Busan. and over thousands of people came. ARMYs were shocked when police started storming the venue and stopping people from entering even if they had tickets. K-ARMYs shared their experience online, showing how badly the police treated them.

Currently, even people with valid ID’s are being treated as if they are fake and using ‘paper coating’. A lot of people can’t enter the venue. Also, there was an area in which people were all lumped togehter and were forced to be under control by the police, as if not letting them into the venue wasn’t enough. So is thais all the fan’s fault and not Big Hit’s fault?

It has been reported that over 6000 ARMYs attended and bought the tickets legally. They needed a student ID card made in Korea, and Big Hit Entertainment also announced that paper IDs are fine. During the day of the event, however, police said they were not going to allow students with paper IDs and despite saying they were going to let them into the venue, they locked them inside a room and some ARMYs never saw the concert. They were not given refunds despite not being able to see the muster.

The security guards were also making fun of BTS, asking fans how they would like someone who looks like them. They also allegedly threw chairs at the ARMYs and sexually harassed female fans by touching their breasts, as well as taking pictures of them.

Big Hit is the worst. I hate them even more now.

1. They use different methods to identify people depending on which area they are in.
2. Even if you have a ticket, you can’t get in.
3. They said that having a paper ID was enough, but they didn’t let us in.
4. They are saying how there are no numbers after the resident numbers on the student IDs.
5. The guards took pictures of ARMYs that includes their faces.
6. The guards sexually assaulted female ARMYs.
7. The guards threw chairs at ARMYs.
8. A lot of ARMYs couldn’t enter the venue, but they still let BTS perform.

K-ARMYs are said to be suing Big Hit Entertainment for fraud and damages and are using SNS to spread the word to both local and international fans.

K-ARMYs are using the hashtags #머스터_해명해 (trans: #MUSTER_EXPLAIN) and #빅히트_해명해 (trans: #BIGHIT_EXPLAIN). Big Hit Entertainment has yet to release a statement.

Source: The Qoo

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