So Ji Sub Writes A Letter To His Fans About His Relationship With Cho Eun Jung - KPOP NEWS

So Ji Sub Writes A Letter To His Fans About His Relationship With Cho Eun Jung

After news broke that famous actor So Ji Sub was dating announcer Cho Eun Jung, So Ji Sub decided to write a heartfelt letter to his fans to explain their relationship himself.

He wrote his letter in both Korean and English for his domestic and foreign fans. He first apologized for not being able to break the news to his fans first. He explained that he found “someone special” who “keeps [by] my side calmly and supports me with great help.

Although he is excited about his new relationship, he is still careful about many things so asks his fans to continue supporting him as an actor as he does his best to “not let [them] down.

so ji sub cho eun jung letter

So Ji Sub and Cho Eun Jung’s relationship was first announced by Dispatch who spotted the pair on a sweet date as they took a long walk over coffee. Despite their 17 years age difference, the two have been in a beautiful relationship for about a year!

so ji sub dating 4

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