Sayuri Just Lost Her Front Teeth Veneers but She’s A-Okay with It - KPOP NEWS

Sayuri Just Lost Her Front Teeth Veneers but She’s A-Okay with It

TV personality, Sayuri Fujita recently shared multiple photos of herself along with the caption, “My front teeth veneers fell off today.


This might have been a concern for many, but Sayuri put a positive spin on it by adding, “Not having my front teeth around allows my mouth to get more air. It’s nice and refreshing.


She also added more positivity to her post by sharing photos of herself looking smiling and worry-free while exposing the tooth that lost its veneer.


The photos started off in the streets, and then the later photos showed Sayuri sitting in a dentist chair getting ready to get her teeth fixed.


What all of her photos had in common was how cheerful and excited she looked despite the small issue she was faced with.


Sayuri is well-known for having a cheerful and humorous personality, but this update just goes to show that she’s just as positive and lovable in real life as she is on TV.

Source: Dispatch

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for taking the time to share this post with us. I was glad to see that she was still in such good spirits with her veneers coming out. Have a great rest of your day and keep up the posts.
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