“Salty Tour” Producer Addresses Need For Review System Following Jung Joon Young’s Scandal - KPOP NEWS

“Salty Tour” Producer Addresses Need For Review System Following Jung Joon Young’s Scandal

Salty Tour producer Son Chang Woo has shared his thoughts about Jung Joon Young‘s scandal in a recent press conference.

Jung Joon Young was an original member of the program Salty Tour until he was removed from the show after his scandalous group chat conversations were exposed. PD Son Chang Woo stated that he believes the production staff are also responsible for Jung Joon Young’s removal and addressed the need for a review system to improve the quality of programs.


I believe the production staff is also responsible. We need to create a review standard. Realistically, we can take measures in the future through the contracts with the cast members but I think we need a system to prevents casting those who may become an issue beforehand.

ㅡ PD Son Chang Woo

PD Son went on to explain that they are currently in the process of coming up with such a system.

We are also making an effort to create a system where we can search and share the reputation of cast members. We believe there are hints when we are working together. However, (these things) are not shared enough and there are also instances when we cannot help but cast (certain members). In order to prevent such instances, if producers create a system of sharing, I believe that we can minimize these instances.

ㅡ PD Son Chang Woo

In fact, Jung Joon Young was not the first cast member to be removed from Salty Tour as comedian Kim Saeng Min had also stepped down from the show following his sexual harassment incident.


Source: My Daily

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