Victims Of Rape By Jung Joon Young’s Chatroom Members Increase To 7 Women - KPOP NEWS

Victims Of Rape By Jung Joon Young’s Chatroom Members Increase To 7 Women

On April 28, KBS reported that more and more women claiming to be victims of rape and sexual assault by the members of Jung Joon Young‘s chatroom have been filing complaints.

According to the report, there are currently 7 women who claim to be victims of Jung Joon Young’s group chatroom members.


On April 18, a victim of rape by the 5 members of the group chat confirmed that there were audio files, videos and pictures of her in the chatroom and announced that she will be filing a complaint with the police on April 19. The woman claimed to have lost consciousness after drinking with Jung Joon Young, Choi Jonghoon and 3 others in March 2016.

Following reports about her terrifying experience, other women have gained the courage to follow suit. Other women who filed complaints with the police have also claimed that they lost consciousness after drinking alcohol with the members of the group chat and were sexually assaulted. KBS reported the possibility of illegal drug use in these cases.


The police, who have completed investigations on the accusers, additionally booked a few members of the group chat for sexual assault and summoned Jung Joon Young for further investigation on his involvement.

The other group chat members including Choi Jonghoon are expected to be summoned for further investigation.

Source: My Daily

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