Park Yoochun Tests Positive For Meth - KPOP NEWS

Park Yoochun Tests Positive For Meth

According to MBC Newsdesk‘s recent coverage on the scandal, JYJ‘s Park Yoochun tested positive for drug use. Reportedly, this test result is what ultimately fueled the Gyeonggi Southern Police Agency to officially file the pre-trial arrest warrant for Park Yoochun.


The South Korean police took a sample of Park Yoochun’s hair from his leg, done during the official search of his house and vehicle, and sent it to the National Forensic Service for analysis. The NFS confirmed it found traces of “Philopon”, or methamphetamine, from the hair sample.

hair sample

When the drug test accuracy was questioned, because Park Yoochun waxed and bleached his hair in an alleged attempt to remove biological traces, a Korean Institute of Criminology representative confirmed, “A leg hair sample can test as accurately as any other hair sample that Park Yoochun removed or altered prior to the test.”


While Park Yoochun continues to deny his drug use, especially with the initial urine test testing negative, this new hair sample test result led the police to skip the scheduled cross-examination investigation with Hwang Hana.

cross exam

With the test revealing Park Yoochun’s methamphetamine use, Koreans cannot hide the shock from his actions following the initial allegations. Earlier, during his press conference, Park Yoochun strongly denied his case and hired legal counsel to file a lawsuit against MBC‘s Newsdesk for damages following his drug reports.

press conf

Park Yoochun is now detained and awaiting further investigations to take place on April 26th, 2019.

Source: Hankyung

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