Model Lee Cheol Woo Responds To Accusations Of Involvement In Jung Joon Young’s Chatroom - KPOP NEWS

Model Lee Cheol Woo Responds To Accusations Of Involvement In Jung Joon Young’s Chatroom

Model Lee Cheol Woo has responded to accusations claiming he was involved in Jung Joon Young‘s illegal hidden camera group chatroom.

Previous reports suggested correlations between Jung Joon Young’s hidden camera group chatroom and the cast members of the program Hitmaker after the initials of the celebrity group chat members revealed by the reports matched the initials of Hitmaker‘s cast members. As a member of Hitmaker‘s cast, model Lee Cheol Woo was also suspected of being a member of the group chatroom.


In response, Lee Cheol Woo’s agency released a statement clarifying that he was not a member of the chatroom that posed a problem.

In relation to Lee Cheol Woo’s involvement in Jung Joon Young’s group chatroom that has is being reported by some media outlets, we clearly state that Lee Cheol Woo was not included in the chatroom in question.

ㅡ Esteem Entertainment

The agency further clarified that Lee Cheol Woo did not film any illegal hidden camera videos and was not contacted by any authorities in relation to the issue.

Lee Cheol Woo did not film or distribute any illegal videos and was also not contacted by related organization regarding the matter.

ㅡ Esteem Entertainment

According to Esteem Entertainment, Lee Cheol Woo was a part of a chatroom that was created for the purpose of sharing schedules relating to the program Hitmaker, which was deleted after the program and asked to refrain from reporting speculative news.

Lee Cheol Woo was included in a chatroom formed for the purpose of sharing schedules with the staff during the filming of JTBC’s Hitmaker with Jung Joon Young in 2016 3 years ago but the chatroom has was deleted after the program came to an end. We ask that you refrain from releasing speculative reports that are unrelated to the facts.

ㅡ Esteem Entertainment

Meanwhile, Kangin, another cast member of Hitmaker who was also accused of being involved in the same group chatroom also released a statement earlier today, denying accusations of him spreading or filming illegal hidden camera videos.

kanging jjy ft

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