MBC Reports Horrifying Details Of What Went On Behind The Scenes At Clubs Like Burning Sun - KPOP NEWS

MBC Reports Horrifying Details Of What Went On Behind The Scenes At Clubs Like Burning Sun

WARNING: The following text contains graphic text.

MBC has reported horrifying details of crimes that were committed behind the scenes at clubs such as Burning Sun or Arena.

According to MBC’s exploratory program, Straight, Arena and Burning Sun set up a officetels that were furnished like a lounge bar nearby for VVIPs where they committed crimes such as drugs, sadistic sexual violence and illegal filming.


It was also reported that the clubs used a team of incinerators, who would clean up the mess in these spaces.

According to analyzed text messages, the main task of these “incinerators” was removing blood stains. They apparently even carried around reagents in the trunks of club-owned cars and were professionally trained to erase bloodstains that were evidence of the VVIPs’ crime.


A former member of this team of incinerators explained an encounter in one of these officetels. The person had entered a room at approximately 6 am to clean the place, but the “party” was apparently not over. A woman was tied down and made to bleed, all the while unconscious. The person also revealed that one of the men involved in the acts seemed to be a doctor.

A woman was tied up and made to bleed (on purpose). In her unconscious state, it seemed like (the woman’s) face was having convulsions. They were filming this and it looked like one of them was a doctor. He stopped the bleeding and adeptly gave blood transfusions. I was confused.

ㅡ Source

Moreover, Straight reported that underage sex trafficking was common with most of the girls being runaways. Pastor Joo Won Kyu, who is said to have been employed at the club in disguise, explained that two girls who managed to escape from the clubs were emotionally and physically traumatized.

2 of the runaway girls were able to escape. One is suffering from trauma that soldiers who participated in wars suffer from and is receiving treatment from a psychiatric hospital. The other girl had too many abortions and her uterus was exposed, so she was abandoned after they said she was no longer of use.

ㅡ Pastor Joo Won Kyu

The pastor added that all of this was kept secret despite the severity of the crimes that were committed and the police who reported to the scene after receiving reports did not even enter the club to investigate.

Source: Edaily

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