Former Girl Group Member’s Real Personality Revealed… And It’s Not Pretty - KPOP NEWS

Former Girl Group Member’s Real Personality Revealed… And It’s Not Pretty

A former member of Bob Girls and LoveUs, who now promotes as the soloist known as Migyo, has been exposed for her true personality, one that does not fit the image of a girl group member. 2 staff members from her former agencies have spoken up about her personality.


Staff “A” worked with Bob Girls in Chrome Entertainment while staff “B” worked with LoveUs and Creative Su Entertainment. Both of the staff members state that the girl group’s disbandments were largely due to Migyo.

According to staff “A”, Migyo’s actions cannot be ignored when talking about the disbandment of Bob Girls.

bob girlsBob Girls

Of course, the most decisive reason for Bob Girls’ disbandment was Jina’s encephalitis. However, Migyo’s actions cannot be ignored either. Migyo is at a loss if things don’t go her own way. It was like that during Bob Girls. The 4 members were split 2-2 in their dorm regarding rooms.

But Migyo got into a physical altercation with her roommate, and even threatened to kill her. During the altercation, a glass door broke. Another member stepped on the glass shards and suffered a big injury.

At the time of the incident, Bob Girls was planning on entering the Chinese market. But the members stated they were scared of Migyo and could not promote with her anymore. When Jina’s illness was discovered, the group was disbanded.

— Staff “A”

Staff “B” didn’t have any nicer things to say about Migyo during her time in LoveUs.


Migyo is simply unreasonable. If something was just a little bit different from what she liked, she was slander the person involved. The agency rented out a practice room, but Migyo just deserted the practice room because she didn’t like the vocal and choreography trainers.

She took all the LoveUs members to her personal acquaintances’ small practice room, and eventually the agency set up a new room. But she didn’t even show up at the practice room often because she said it was too far from the dorm.

— Staff “B”

Staff “B” continued on their rant, revealing Migyo wanted to replace her members and wanted the treatment YG Entertainment artists get.

Migyo also had a very strong opinion that she wanted to change her team members. Since she was the leader, we couldn’t completely ignore her opinions. The company said they would consider replacing or adding members for their 2nd album.

Then she started to take issue with the company’s treatment of her. After practicing until around 9pm, the system was that the members would be dropped off at a nearby subway station to return home via public transportation, but it was unfavorable due to the transportation costs.

Migyo didn’t like this part either so the company staff started to take the members home directly. But she also put forth the condition that she should be treated like YG artists. She wanted to film a huge music video and receive the same treatment they did. We couldn’t afford to do so because we were a small agency. But we still did our best to gather her opinions.

— Staff “B”

Finally, staff “B” stated how Migyo wanted to cancel her contract, and even visited the Creative Us CEO in the hospital to request it in person.

She crossed the line so she was told she shouldn’t behave like that, but Migyo just said she wouldn’t do anything and quit, and sent a Certification of Contents. At first, Migyo’s father wanted a peaceful solution but then he changed his position and said it should be done legally.

To be honest, the company didn’t violate the exclusive contract. We gave all the support that we could, accepted her opinions as much as we could, and worked hard to land broadcast schedules.

But after finishing recording the guide vocals for LoveUs’ 2nd album, Migyo sent us her Certification of Contents and wanted to cancel her contract. She even went to the hospital where the CEO was a patient and asked him to sign off on her contract termination.

We were thinking about a legal dispute, but we were so tired of her, and if we did pursue a legal dispute, that meant we would have to see her face again. So rather than that terrible thing happening, we said we would terminate her contract.

— Staff “B”

Migyo is currently in a legal dispute with her current agency, JG Star Entertainment.

Source: Sports Chosun

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