KCC Threatens To Take Legal Action Against Merry Lee After She Exposed High-Level Sexual Harassers - KPOP NEWS

KCC Threatens To Take Legal Action Against Merry Lee After She Exposed High-Level Sexual Harassers

Korean TV personality Merry Lee recently exposed the names of high-ranking figures who she claims had sexually assaulted her, and announced that she will be hosting a “Mee Too” conference with the civic organization Citizen’s Movement.

In response, a representative of the Korea Communications Commission (KCC) notified that they are currently preparing to take legal action against her statement.

The chairman and Lee Merry do not have any personal connections and the suggestions that he forced sexual favors on her is not true. We are preparing to take legal action in various ways and hope that it is not mentioned any longer.

ㅡ Korea Communications Committee

Lee Merry recently shared a post on her Facebook stating that she was sexually assaulted and forced to serve alcohol back in 2013. In particular, she mentioned Mr. A, a high-ranking figure of the Korea Communications Committee, Mr. B, vice president of a conglomerate, and Mr. C, a National Assembly member.

I support the investigation of Jang Ja Yeon’s case, I want a more thorough investigation.

Chairman *** of network ***, you’re a devil without a conscience. *** of *** Electronics and former member of the National Assembly ***. I’ll never forgive these devils. All of you corrupt bastards cut off the tail then say it didn’t happen?

They forced me to be silent about disadvantages and pressured me to serve drinks. They insulted the death of my parents. I can’t forget how you couldn’t even say a single word of comfort to someone who just went through mourning, but said with an evil smile that if I don’t have money and don’t appear on TV, then I should be good to ***.

I fought with you all for six years. All of the people who tried to cover this up are accomplices.

– Merry Lee

The post has since been deleted but Merry Lee is still planning to hold the conference at the beginning of April after returning to Korea from Qatar where she currently resides.


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