Kang Daniel Responds To LM Entertainment’s Accusation - KPOP NEWS

Kang Daniel Responds To LM Entertainment’s Accusation

LM Entertainment recently released a statement claiming that Kang Daniel sent false information and lied about why he wanted to terminate his contract.

LM Entertainment Claims Kang Daniel Is Lying About Why He Needs His Contract Terminated

In response, Kang Daniel’s lawyer issued a statement clarifying Daniel’s position. He first addressed the issue of LM Entertainment transferring Kang Daniel’s rights to a 3rd party without his consent.

Hello, I am Yeom Yong Pyo, Kang Daniel’s legal representative from Yulchon.

Firstly, Kang Daniel would like to apologize to fans and the citizens of Korea for the ongoing dispute.

In order to aid the understanding of those who are interested in this case, Yulchon will deliver the truth focusing on the injunction that has been filed with the court on behalf of Kang Daniel.

The core point of the injunction to suspend his exclusive contract deals with whether or not LM Entertainment transferred various rights of Kang Daniel stated in his excluisve contract to a 3rd party at a cost without his consent.

ㅡ Yeom Yong Pyo

He continued to explain the details of the situation.

Kang Daniel signed an excluisve contract with LM Entertainment 1 year ago on February 2, 2018 that was supposed to take effect starting from February 2, 2019.

LM Entertainment signed a joint business contract with a 3rd party that transfers all rights of Kang Daniel including content production and management services on January 28, 2019 before the exclusive contract was supposed to take effect.

The main point of the content states that ‘all major rights of (Kang Daniel’s) exclusive contract with LM Entertainment for 5 years including music content production/distribution rights, concert/overseas business rights and bargaining rights of entertainment activities will be exclusively granted to the 3rd party’.

As compensation, LM Entertainment received tens of times more than what was given to Kang Daniel for his down payment.

However, Kang Daniel did not receive any notice from LM Entertainment regarding the contract agreement of the joint business nor did he give his consent.

After later learning about LM Entertainment’s joint business with the 3rd party without his consent, he requested an explanation and this is how the dispute began.

In order to resolve the situation, Kang Daniel has requested on multiple occasions to rectify the illegal and unreasonable content stated above but did not receive a positive answer and was left to seek legal judgment.

ㅡ Yeom Yong Pyo

He concluded by announcing the hearing date for the filed injunction and hoped that Kang Daniel’s dispute could be resolved rationally.

The hearing date for the injunction is expected to be held at the Seoul Central District Court at 2 pm on April 5, 2019.

Yulchon expects the truth of this situation to be clearly revealed through the injunction hearing and shows Kang Daniel’s desire to come to a rational conclusion so that he can return to his fans. Thank you.

ㅡ Yeom Yong Pyo

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