Japanese Fans Terrorize Seungyoon on Social Media for Posting a Photo of the Korean Flag - KPOP NEWS

Japanese Fans Terrorize Seungyoon on Social Media for Posting a Photo of the Korean Flag

On March 1, WINNER‘s Kang Seungyoon shared a photo of the Korean flag along with the caption, “Independence Movement Day“.

This national holiday commemorates the day Korean people protested against Japanese colonial rule by making one of the earliest independence movements. As such, on this day, the Korean flag must be raised all the way to the top.

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Seungyoon applied this by pasting the Korean flag at the top of his posted photo. Korean fans responded to this in a favorable manner, but some Japanese fans thought differently.

One Japanese fan commented, “I love Seungyoon. But does he have some kind of hatred against Japan and Japanese people?” Another Japanese fan even said, “That wasn’t colonization. It was unification in order to become stronger” and elicited negative reactions from Korean fans.


Korean fans who saw this were furious and refuted them by explaining the true meaning of Independence Movement Day in English. 

Despite the negative responses of some Japanese fans, Seungyoon’s post is receiving positive support from both Korean and Japanese fans for his show of respect for Korea and Korean history.

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