Hateful Netizens Get Severely Punished for Posting Malicious Comments About MAMAMOO - KPOP NEWS

Hateful Netizens Get Severely Punished for Posting Malicious Comments About MAMAMOO

On February 27, Ilgan Sports reported, “The Gwangju District Court ruled that those who posted malicious comments about MAMAMOO committed defamation, and therefore will be fined for their crime.

According to the report, MAMAMOO‘s agency, RBW Entertainment started their legal battle with netizens who left malicious comments about MAMAMOO last October.


At the time, the agency stated, “We charged 4 netizens who have constantly been leaving malicious comments about MAMAMOO. We are charging them for malicious comments, sexual harassment, spreading of false information, and defamation.


The charged netizens left hateful comments such as, “They sold their bodies“, and “What a bunch of lesbians.


The court stated, “The defendants have been posting malicious comments about MAMAMOO since September of 2017, which means they’ve been they’ve been constantly insulting them for a year. Therefore, they will be fined for defamation.

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