Famous Taiwanese Composer Falls In Love With Friend’s Daughter Who’s 40 Years Younger - KPOP NEWS

Famous Taiwanese Composer Falls In Love With Friend’s Daughter Who’s 40 Years Younger

Li Kuncheng is a famous Taiwanese songwriter who has numerous successful hits under his belt. However, his successful talent was soon overshadowed by the announcement of his fiancée, Li Jing En.

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His engagement announcement became such a hot issue because his fiancee was 40 years younger than him. What as more controversial was that they began dating when she was a minor at 17 years old.

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They first met when Li Kuncheng was visiting a close friend of his. There, he met his friend’s daughter, who will soon become his future wife.

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He revealed in an interview that they were first companions as she kept him company while he was recovering from an injury. Soon, that companionship blossomed into love.

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“She visited (me) and before she left, she asked me what I was going to do later in the day. I told her I was thinking of going for a movie and she said she was keen to accompany me. We started off as companions but I found myself falling in love with her.

She is naive but full of emotions. She is artistically talented, with a love for literature and arts.”

— Li Kuncheng

When they first announced their plans to marry, the public criticized their love. But no one else was more against their engagement than Li Jing En’s father – Li Kuncheng’s close friend.

Li Jing Un’s father even tried suing Li Kuncheng to call off their wedding, but he lost the case.

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Li Kuncheng criticized the media and public for judging their love. He believes there should be no hatred against a “young, sweet girl” falling “hopelessly” in love with him.

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“We owe no one an explanation why we are together.

The media hype and the public attention here (in Taichung, Taiwan) have spiraled out of control. I don’t understand why people find it incredulous that a young, sweet girl can fall hopelessly in love with an old man.

And by the way, who says 57 is old?”

— Li Kuncheng

Since the announcement of their engagement, Li Jing En’s social media accounts have flooded with rumors of their secret marriage, pregnancy, and more.

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She asserted that she is not pregnant and plans on marrying Li Kuncheng soon.

逼得我拍張半身照,冷飯要炒到哪時候?上次無中生有說我懷孕,我生氣開罵,有網友分享:沒懷孕就沒懷孕,兇屁?欠一百、兩百塊錢可以,但你欠我三百塊?報我一次、兩次懷孕還在容忍範圍,三次以上真的太超過了喔。而且還拍路人懷孕出現在機場的照片,根本不像我好嗎= =?(男的是有點像坤城)按照媒體說我懷孕的次數,我大概生了三、四胎以上了。

Posted by 林靖恩 on Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Li Kuncheng announced that they’ll get married when Li Jing En turns 20.

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