7 Worst Injuries That Ever Happened To GOT7 Members - KPOP NEWS

7 Worst Injuries That Ever Happened To GOT7 Members

1. Jackson’s car accident

In 2017, Jackson had a very scary experience with saesang fans. On his way to the airport, some fans decided to follow his car and kept at a dangerously close distance. Their tailgating ultimately resulted in a car crash.

Due to the crash, Jackson hurt his back and was rushed to the hospital. Thankfully, he wasn’t injured too severely—though he was still hurt enough not to participate in the JYP Nation concert a few days later.

2. JB’s lost memory

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JB is known for his impressive b-boy skills but when he was younger they caused him to have a major accident! During a 2018 episode of Knowing Brothers GOT7‘s leader told a story about how he lost his memory in high school.

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He had been practicing some tricks when he landed on his head instead of his hand. He passed out for 10 minutes in the practice room and when he finally woke up was unable to remember what had happened.

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Even though he couldn’t remember what caused his injury, he headed straight home but was unable to enter his home because he couldn’t remember the code. He also admitted that when he went to school he couldn’t recall his friends names! Eventually, he was able to regain all of his memories but the accident could have been a lot more serious.

3. JB’s spinal disc injury

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A few days prior to the group’s Fly in Seoul concert series, it was announced that JB would be unable to perform due to a herniated spinal disc. It was also announced that he would be getting further examinations at the hospital and fans soon urged a speedy recovery for the singer.

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Despite not being able to perform, JB came out on the stage on the first day of the concert and assured fans that he would come back stronger. The touching moment had many fans bursting into tears.

A month later, on a live broadcast, JB updated fans on his condition. He admitted that he was still unable to dance and needed more rehabilitation but was steadily getting better. After spending months doing rehab, JB was able to perform at the group’s Singapore concert. Fans noticed he seemed to be in top condition. Although his injury has healed, fans continue to worry about JB’s condition and often will ask that he doesn’t put too much stress on his back.

4. Youngjae’s back injury

JB isn’t the only member to suffer from back problems. In 2017, Youngjae was rushed to the hospital due to his own back injury. The injury was so severe that Youngjae had to cancel all activities including the group’s Australia fan meeting. JYP Entertainment made the announcement that Youngjae would be taking a break from all activities indefinitely until he made a full recovery. Although fans are still uncertain, they have reason to believe that Youngjae’s back injury was also the cause of his absence from GOT7‘s “Hard Carry” promotions. Thankfully, he was able to recover and was able to start promoting again.

5. Jinyoung and Jackson’s ISAC injuries

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The Idol Athletic Championships can be seriously dangerous! In 2015, Jinyoung took part in a race and, at the end, ran into the padded wall. Unfortunately, he hit his wrist while doing so and fans later noticed he was holding his wrist in discomfort.

But Jinyoung wasn’t the only GOT7 member to sustain an injury. Jackson was also reportedly hurt. The two boys were checked over and it was revealed that they both had injured their wrists.

Luckily, the two only sustained some light injuries and bruises that healed with some rest. That didn’t stop fans from worrying about them, though, since they were even spotted wearing casts.

6. JB’s ankle injury

Back in 2015, JB injured his leg while filming for Running Man. While he should have gotten treatment, he didn’t think the injury was very severe. But over the course of a couple of days his condition worsened. The change was noticeable in a pre-recording for The Show and a second pre-recording was canceled due to his injury. Instead, Yugyeom had to step in as the special MC.

He was taken to the hospital and told that he should be careful with his ankle for two to three weeks. Luckily for fans, JB wasn’t suspended from all of his activities. He was able to perform on Mnet‘s M! Countdown where he was given a chair to perform from.

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