Fans Extremely Divided After Seeing How Super Junior’s Leeteuk Touched Red Velvet’s Irene During “Lo Siento’s” Sexy Dance
During the second day of SMTOWN in Chile on January 19, Super Junior performed their Latin-Pop inspired hit “Lo Siento” with Red Velvet‘s Irene as the special guest feature. One part of the song’s choreography however, has completely divided fans into a full out war.
When it came time for Irene’s solo dance with Leeteuk, some fans claimed that Leeteuk was too inappropriate with the way he grabbed Irene’s waist, as part of the choreography.
There were also claims that Irene used her left hand to try and make Leeteuk place his hand higher on her waist, as it was too low for her to be comfortable.
Some fans are also pointing out that Irene must have been uncomfortable with anyone holding her waist, as Siwon opted to hold her forearm instead, during that specific part of the choreography at SMTOWN Osaka just 3 months prior when Leeteuk was absent.
Because of this, some of Irene’s fans are pointing out how disrespectful Leeteuk has been towards other female idols, and towards Irene.
some of leeteuk’s or whatever’s reputation btw… “force hugged sooyoung, who was age 12“ “stated women are not equal to men, women are weaker” “threatened krystal for marriage” “force kissed min-ah” “sooji should comeback after sum diet” n u expect me to trust him with irene? 😭
— mae ?¿ (@poeticseul) January 22, 2019
those of you defending him need to take a step back and think about why a woman in irene's position would find it uncomfortable to have a man touching her on stage like that. if siwon could manage to perform it respectfully with irene on multiple occasions, why couldn't he?
— 🐰 (@reveluxe) January 22, 2019
what leeteuk did doesnt help w the irene backup dancer thing at all.. like leeteuk we get it ur old and have nothing else to do with ur time We Get It. just leave irene alone
— mmmmmia ☾ #ultseulhive (@irenescackle) January 22, 2019
On the other hand, fans are saying that this incident is only being pointed out because people are witch-hunting Leeteuk for his actions, as he was simply performing the original choreography.
During Super Junior’s promotions for “Lo Siento” with KARD, Leeteuk could be seen putting his hand on Jiwoo’s waist during the choreography.
The same choreography could be seen in their performance with the original featuring artist, Leslie Grace herself, and Leeteuk seemingly performed the choreography closer to Leslie Grace’s body than he did with Irene.
ELFs have started the hashtag “ApologizeToLeeteuk”, calling for those who accused him of being inappropriate towards Irene to apologize for their words.
ok since some people have no braincells on this site
– leeteuk putting his hands on irene is part of the CHOREO
– leeteuk wouldn't have touched irene there if IRENE HERSELF said no
– leeteuk would NOT hurt women like this
– y'all are just suju antis and it SHOWS— #ApologizeToLeeteuk (@winteuks) January 22, 2019
do yall realize before irene and leeteuk performed they PRACTICED. irene knew what she was doing when she chose to still do the choreo. if she didn’t want leeteuk to touch her she would’ve refused to even practice. but y’all act like irene‘s still a baby who isn’t responsable
— ً (@bbhIuvs) January 22, 2019
Look at the original choreo when Leeteuk performed with Leslie, Jiwoo & a back-up dancer. Leeteuk never even got close to your Irene.
Stop using big words as if you know what they mean, when we all know you just hate Super Junior. #ApologizeToLeeteuk— ᴿᴱᴱ 💛 🌱☕🍜 (@gaemerigom) January 22, 2019
can y’all leave leeteuk the fuck alone??? y’all suju antis make NO sense whatsoever. if irene was THAT fucking uncomfortable as y’all claim her to be i’m sure she wouldn’t have done lo siento with suju. she is a grown fucking woman she KNOWS what she’s doing dammit
— kai 🍒 (@changminaris) January 22, 2019
My poor dear Lo Siento is being murdered just because of these haters who only know how to put malice in the choreo. It should’ve been a daring concept but these brainless haters can’t see that. Now I can see why Lo Siento only fits for KARD, Leslie & Dancers— ➾★MoNick (@teukienickie) January 22, 2019
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