Only 1 Woman and 31 Men Lived In A Deserted Japanese Island, Here’s what happened - KPOP NEWS

Only 1 Woman and 31 Men Lived In A Deserted Japanese Island, Here’s what happened

During the Second World War, a Japanese naval ship was attacked by American combat planes and sunk near an island.

A total of 31 men survived and made it to Anatahan Island in the Pacific Ocean, where one Japanese couple was living.

The couple had been sent to the island on business before the war was initiated.

On the island, the couple taught the soldiers how to hunt and farm, even after the war ended.

Being a remote island, however, the soldiers and couple had no form of contact with the outside world, so they weren’t informed.

As they continued living on the island, a series of mysterious incidents began occurring.

One day, the captain of the ship was found lifeless in the water, while on another occasion, two other soldiers were found dead with gunshot wounds.

The mysterious deaths caused a rise in tension among the island’s inhabitants, and people began becoming suspicious of each other.

It was later found that the wife, Kazuko Higa, was the only woman on the island, which caused conflict amongst the men on the island.

The Japanese “couple” weren’t actually together, and when the soldiers found out, they began fighting over her.

The men’s jealousy and rivalry became worse over time, causing the “wife” to secretly board a ship and leave the island in 1950.

After she left, there were reportedly no more incidents of violence and the island was peaceful.

In 1951, the soldiers were rescued by American forces and were taken back home.

Source: Mushroom Orange and WW2 Wrecks

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