Merry Lee Will Be Hosting A ‘Me Too’ Conference To Reveal High Level Sexual Harassers - KPOP NEWS

Merry Lee Will Be Hosting A ‘Me Too’ Conference To Reveal High Level Sexual Harassers

Korean TV personality Merry Lee plans to host a “Me Too” conference in conjunction with a civic organisation called Citizen’s Movement.

The conference is planned for the beginning of April and Merry Lee will be returning to Korea from Qatar where she currently lives and works as a brand ambassador for the 2020 World Cup.


Merry Lee has always been critical of the gender culture in the Korean entertainment industry, her statement on Facebook about Jang Ja Yeon’s case draws from her own experiences (she censored the names).

I support the investigation of Jang Ja Yeon’s case, I want a more thorough investigation.

Chairman *** of network ***, you’re a devil without a conscience. *** of *** Electronics and former member of the National Assembly ***. I’ll never forgive these devils. All of you corrupt bastards cut off the tail then say it didn’t happen?

They forced me to be silent about disadvantages and pressured me to serve drinks. They insulted the death of my parents. I can’t forget how you couldn’t even say a single word of comfort to someone who just went through mourning, but said with an evil smile that if I don’t have money and don’t appear on TV, then I should be good to ***.

I fought with you all for six years. All of the people who tried to cover this up are accomplices.

– Merry Lee


The civic group briefly described what the conference will entail:

Merry Lee is planning to reveal past stories of sexual harrassment by public figures in the academic, political and financial worlds.

– Citizen’s Movement representative

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