Father Of SEVENTEEN Fan Cries On National TV Because Of Her Extreme Obsessive Behavior - KPOP NEWS

Father Of SEVENTEEN Fan Cries On National TV Because Of Her Extreme Obsessive Behavior

A fan of SEVENTEEN appeared on the recent episode of Hello Counselor, where her obsession with the group caused heart ache and pain to her family and friends. A middle schooler named Yuna was brought out by her friend, who was worried over her severe devotion to the fandom.

For starters, Yuna would be late to school at least 2~3 times a week or sometimes skip the day in total. When she did go to school, she would fall asleep in class.

When her friend asked what she was doing instead of focusing on school, Yuna explained that she was busy watching videos of SEVENTEEN or following the group to their various schedules. She would wait outside Music Bank at 3~4am to wait up to 4 hours to see a glimpse of the members going into the building. Sometimes, she wouldn’t go home for over a day to chase after the members’ schedules.

seventeen music bank fandom

After skipping school and missing test dates to chase after SEVENTEEN, Yuna was eventually unable to graduate the school year. She was held back and has to redo her 3rd year in middle school, but she feels no regret over her actions.

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“I went over the 60 days limit of missing school, so I was held back.

I feel there’s no use in regretting it. I have to redo the year no matter what anyways.”

— Yuna

Not only did Yuna let her school work go down the drain, she’s sacrificed her father’s hard earned money to keep up with the fandom. She revealed that she’s spent over 12 million won (~$11,000 USD) on fandom goods!

After her dad refused to give her more money, she took a part time job to raise money that she poured straight back into SEVENTEEN.

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Yuna’s dad also appeared on the show, where he eventually broke down in tears over his daughter’s obsessive behavior.

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He explained that the family is too busy trying to make ends meet that they weren’t able to pay enough attention to Yuna. He feels that Yuna fell into this obsession because she didn’t receive enough attention from her family.

“My heart breaks because of my daughter. It’s been hard.

Our whole family is very busy. Since she’s the youngest, I think she started having this hobby because of the loneliness.

I work in the clothing section of the Dongdaemun Market. I go to work by 1pm and come home in the middle of the night.”

— Yuna’s Dad

After listening to Yuna’s story, Lee Young Ja gave her some sound advice. Although it’s very grateful for a fan to love their idol, no celebrity wants to hear that a fan gave up on their own life just to follow them around.

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“As a celebrity, I want to hear fans say, ‘Unnie I was able to achieve this thanks to you.’ It motivates me to continue doing what I do.

But [they wouldn’t want to hear], ‘SEVENTEEN, I was held back in school because of you.’”

— Lee Young Ja

As a surprise, SEVENTEEN even sent in a video message to Yuna. They thanked her for being their fan but pleaded that she put her own studies before her love for the group.

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They also promised to send out a special invitation to their concert if she starts going to school diligently and study hard.

“I heard that a student named Yuna is disregarding her studies and school because of us.

We’re thankful that you love us so much but we’re very upset to hear that you’re disregarding your studies and school. If we hear that you’re doing well in school, we will invite you to our concert!

Yuna, we hope you work hard and have a blessed new year. We’re cheering for your happiness!”


After listening to the concerns of her family, friends, and SEVENTEEN, Yuna promised that she will turn her life around and focus on school more than her obsessed fandom.

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“I won’t skip school or be tardy. I will become a CARAT that fulfills everything you just said.”

— Yuna

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